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Teslin Play Readings


Join us at Hà Kus Teyea Celebration!

Presented in association with


As part of


Featuring Trickster Visit the Old Folks Home by Sharon Shorty, directed by Patti Flather, excerpts from Sixty Below by Patti Flather and Leonard Linklater, and Crees in the Caribbean by Drew Hayden Taylor. With actors Duane Gastant’ Aucoin, Andrameda Hunter, Isaiah Gilson, Gary Sidney Johnson, Leonard Linklater and Sally Lutchman.

Trickster Visits the Old Folks Home

Tlingit Elder Anna transitions from her lifelong Teslin home to a sterile old folks home in the city. A First Nations nurse welcomes her to her new ‘home’. Gramma Anna asserts, “This is not my home! It’s just a place I gotta stay!” Inspired by the playwright’s real life experience of her late Grandma Carrie moving to Whitehorse in the 1980’s.

Sixty Below

It’s nearly winter solstice when Henry gets out of jail, ready to straighten out his life. Of course it’s not that easy: his old buddies just want to party, his girlfriend Rosie’s moving ahead of him, and then there’s the ghost of Johnnie, everyone’s hero, who just won’t leave the northern lights.

Crees in the Caribbean

Evie and Cecil are celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary. As a gift, their grown children decide to send them to a fabulous resort in Mexico as a second honeymoon. The only problem is, neither have ever been out of their Cree community – let alone the country. Then there’s Cecil’s suspicion that there might be more behind this trip than he has been told. The past, present, and future all pay the couple a visit as they deal with sun, sand, and spicy food.

When? & Where?

July 26, 1-3pm, Teslin Tlingit Heritage Centre, Teslin

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